The Universal Health Services Foundation is a charitable trust (Tax ID# 20-3396995) which allows for tax-deductible donations. The company matches the funds raised for the Foundation. UHS absorbs any administrative costs associated with the Foundation. UHS distributes 100 percent of Foundation contributions.
Options for contributing to the UHS Foundation
Online donation via credit card
Complete the credit card payment form with your contact information and the amount you would like to contribute. Upon submitting the form, you will be taken to a secure site where you can enter your financial information and complete your transaction.
Online donation via payroll deduction—employees only
Complete the required information.
Personal Check
Please complete the UHS Foundation Donation Form and mail with check payable to the “UHS Foundation” to:
UHS Foundation
Attn. Marsia Moscia, Treasury Department
PO Box 61558
King of Prussia PA 19406